Arthur Rackham

Just What Is It About Trees?

20130211-221416.jpg I just have this thing about trees. I don’t know what it is? I just find them fascinating, intriguing and inspirational.

20130211-221614.jpg Maybe it is their ever changing shapes? The twists and often impossible curves of their branches and trunks?

20130211-221752.jpg And from country to country.. Wow.. How do those shapes just keep getting wilder and more crazy? I love how nature can play with a concept such as a tree and create just so many.. So much.. So fabulous!

20130211-222036.jpg From short and stumpy to tall and gracious.. Green and lush to dry and burnt. They all have that ‘tree thing’.

20130211-222423.jpg If ever feeling a bit uninspired a good tree will always spark something, maybe a drawing? A photo? Or just a ponder? I often ponder about what might be living in the tree.. Birds? Insects? People in tree houses? Or in some moods I can imagine elves and pixies and fairies and other such creatures.. I think this comes from my love of Arthur Rackham’s illustrations (which also inspired many of my tattoos).

20130211-222910.jpg I chuckled the other day as I cycled beneath some trees stuffed full of white squabbling parrots/ gallahs settling down to roost for the night! The whole tree just came alive! Reminded me of some of Quentin Blake’s parrot drawings.. They make me smile too!

20130211-223250.jpg Anyway.. This little lot are a few of the weird and wonderful trees that I have encountered over the last few days, whilst exploring Australia.. I wonder what they will inspire?

20130211-223724.jpg Maybe some more drawings like this one, which has gone on to become the cover of a book..

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